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La ‘barbie humana’ se opera los párpados para parecer menos china

Ella misma presume de ser una ‘barbie humana’. Se llama Ophelia Vanity, tiene 30 años y aunque es de Los Ángeles, en California, tiene raíces chinas. Y eso no parece gustarle demasiado para parecerse aún más a la mítica muñeca, por lo que se ha gastado 4.000 dólares en una cirugía de sus párpados para «parecer […]

Ella misma presume de ser una ‘barbie humana’. Se llama Ophelia Vanity, tiene 30 años y aunque es de Los Ángeles, en California, tiene raíces chinas.

Y eso no parece gustarle demasiado para parecerse aún más a la mítica muñeca, por lo que se ha gastado 4.000 dólares en una cirugía de sus párpados para «parecer más caucásica», como su icono, según publica Daily Mail.

Es toda una estrella en Instagram, donde cuenta con más de 75.000 seguidores.

Para tener esta imagen, se ha sometido ya (y que haya reconocido) a una rinoplastia e inyecciones mensuales de Botox y rellenos para mantener su apariencia de muñeca.

This is one of my ensembles for the autumn season ?? – Platforms by @currentmoodclothing from @dollskill, Skirt from @lolita_kawaiishoes, Shirt from @bananarepublic, Hat from @wish ?? – PLEASE send me your prayers & best wishes! ?? This is the 2nd time within 6months that I’m obligated to evacuate after another huge, dangerous wildfire has spread to my exact location. California also declared it as a national emergency; it’s been less than a day and 50K+ acres have already burned, 200 homes destroyed, and helicopters aren’t even able to fly or help in this windy condition! There’s been 0% containment thus far and is only spreading to more areas. ? I’m seriously hoping my house will be ok, otherwise I’m dead ? I’m sorry but there’s no other way to put it. I’ve had to start over 5x in my past, yet there’s no comparison as I’ll have absolutely NOTHING left. I don’t have fire insurance, $$, nor the emotional & physical state to deal with such an unforeseen tragedy. #wildfire

A post shared by Ophelia Vanity▫️Anime Barbie (@opheliavanity) on

Y si ya te parece una auténtica ‘barbie humana’, debes saber que Ophelia dice que todavía tiene la intención de ponerse unos implantes mamarios y vaginales, blanquear su piel, e incluso, se está planteando eliminar entre cuatro y seis costillas para lograr una cintura muy pequeña.

My fur baby Dubi & I in happier times before the fire ?I love my platform heels by @ironfistclothing – they are partnered with Care Bears ?? (I used to love/collect them!) and even have a donut pattern, lol ?? . ‼️IMPORTANT‼️Please read my previous post or go to my GoFundMe in my bio for more details! You can also donate to my PayPal ( since GFM takes a 15% fee. Either method is fine though and I'd be eternally grateful ?? Seriously, ANY amount would help! And if you're unable to donate, PLEASE at least share my GFM link or repost this. . To be honest, I'm pretty disappointed. 73K+ followers on my social medias doesn't mean shit when most people won't even forego ONE less $5 cup of coffee. ? Surprisingly, those who've helped and been the most supportive are friends of @officialkittiebooboo!! ? Times like these truly show who your friends are… . Boo Boo & Dubi are my WORLD and their welfare means more to me than my own. That's why I'm putting aside my own needs at this point (new washer/dryer, replacing my ruined clothes, etc) to focus solely on them. I raised enough to send Boo Boo to the vet (where we're actually waiting right now). I just REALLY hope there's no permanent damage, as he suffered severe smoke inhalation and almost suffocated to death during the fire ? Also, most times the medication is actually more expensive than the vet visit itself, so I still need donations for that as well as Dubi's appt. I hate to "choose," but Boo Boo IS my pet after all, whereas Dubi's technically the "neighbourhood cat." Though it's not like it makes much of a difference, since all the responsibility of food, litter, carrier cages, vet visits, etc., fall on us and the most the neighbours do is pet or give him some water once in a while ? . Is $5-$15 really going to bankrupt you?? I completely understand if you're going through difficult times as well, but it doesn't cost any $$ to simply share my GoFundMe link and/or repost this. Thank you and my prayers also go out to the victims of Hurricane Irma and the Mexican earthquake ???

A post shared by Ophelia Vanity▫️Anime Barbie (@opheliavanity) on