EFE – Un profesor universitario chino que supuestamente afirmó ante los estudiantes que los extranjeros tienen un linaje sanguíneo superior enfrenta ahora una investigación de las autoridades educativas de la provincia de Anhui (este), recoge hoy la prensa estatal. El maestro, llamado Chen Hongyou y que trabaja en la Universidad Normal de Hefei, dijo el […]
A speech by Chen Hongyou 陈宏友, an associate professor in Anhui Province, has sparked wide outrage online.
Hefei Normal University, where he is employed, has immediately removed his bio from the school website. His past comments are also now under scrutiny. pic.twitter.com/IuiDWSjgp2
— Eddie Du (@Edourdoo) February 20, 2023
Chen Hongyou,an associate professor of Hefei Normal University,gave a speech advocating may marry foreigners and have children to create better elites,causing an uproar.A student took the microphone from Chen and said:"Study hard for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation" pic.twitter.com/OcUGDJ1s1B
— Boxun News (@NewsBoxun) February 21, 2023