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Cuando todos hablan de desescalada, esta joven hace escalada en casa

Llevamos ya varias semanas hablando de desescalada (al menos, en España). Una palabra que no existe pero que se han inventado como antónimo de escalada… Un deporte que los más activos echan de menos y que, aun en confinamiento, siguen practicando como pueden. Es el caso de Kimmie Tu, una californiana de 30 años, a […]

Publicidad Ai

Llevamos ya varias semanas hablando de desescalada (al menos, en España). Una palabra que no existe pero que se han inventado como antónimo de escalada… Un deporte que los más activos echan de menos y que, aun en confinamiento, siguen practicando como pueden.

Es el caso de Kimmie Tu, una californiana de 30 años, a la que le encanta escalar, y que durante la cuarentena ha decidido utilizar la cocina como rocódromo. La idea de trepar por la cocina de casa de sus padres se le ocurrió un día en que sintió que ya no podía aguantar más sin practicar su deporte favorito.

Y es que la chica está acostumbrada a practicar su deporte favorito por lo menos tres veces a la semana. Ahora con el confinamiento, se busca la vida.

La noven deportista tiene una cuenta en Instagram donde le siguen más de 33.000 personas y que aprovechó para recomendar que «no intentes esto en casa si sabes que tu cocina no va a aguantar el peso. ¡Diviértete y mantente a salvo!».

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I had another great day of climbing! I onsighted another problem. To start, you have to crawl out of a tiny hole without touching the ground. Getting out of the tight space was tough because there was only one solid jug to grab onto. Unfortunately, the next handholds were polished pinches and loose rock?. . Once I was out of the hole, I performed a heel hook on polished granite. The move was sketchballs, but I powered through. At this point, I was super scared that I was going to slip off, but I told myself to calm down and breathe. Once I pulled myself together, I executed a mantle on the polished rock and made it to safety to the double under-cling. Much to my dismay, the under-cling felt chossy, so I only used it for balance and to set myself up for the final move. . To finish, I maintained strength in my legs and then matched my hands on the finishing jug. The final jug was loose, so I was careful to just use it for balance. If you watch the video closely, I don't pull with my arms at all! The send was done all in the legs! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ After I descended from the route, I was sure to clean the holds. Always brush/clean your route as a courtesy to other climbers and the community. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I shall name this route "Coming Out of Quarantine" V2. I'm going to add this to Mountain Project right now. This is my second, FA! . DISCLAIMER: Always do a risk assessment before climbing up things. Don't climb up if the rock looks insecure. When in doubt, ask a more experienced climber for help ?. . Be positive. Don't whine. Don't take your anger out on people. Be kind. Have fun inside ?! @onsight.movement . *I swear my ass didn't dab on the ground. Okay fine, it might've grazed the mat, hahaha! . Bouldering mat borrowed from @rockraft. . Yes, this route is dedicated to The Womb (Birthing Experience) in Bishop ?. . . . #bouldering #bouldering_videos_of_instagram #onsightyourhouse #boulderinglife #boulderingproblems #climbing_videos_of_instagram #klettern #escalada #indoorclimbing #stayhome

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