Las imágenes de un mapache aventurero y seguramente muy desorientado se han hecho virales, especialmente en Twitter. El animal comenzó a escalar la fachada de un altísimo edificio de oficinas en el centro de Saint Paul, Minnesota. Acaparó la atención de todos los que pasaban, y no solo por un rato. Según publica MPR News, el […]
Saga of the #mprraccoon trending in the Twin Cities. TV news crew is outside filming every minute. "Hang in there buddy" on everyone's lips #mprlife
— Michael Popham (@mpopham) June 12, 2018
My picture from the 13th floor around noon. Hope he makes it down OK! #mprraccoon
— Ben (@Johnson88Ben) June 12, 2018
Hay un pequeño mapache que tiene en vilo a medio mundo porque ha escalado la torre UBS y parece que no sabe bajar. Y las ventanas no se abren. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Podéis seguir el minuto a minuto en el hashtag #MPRraccoon. El director de Guardianes de la Galaxia ha ofrecido $1K.
— Javier Lobo (@JavierLobo) June 13, 2018
He is on the ledge on our floor. He seems to be doing well. We’ve been told that the building has live traps on the roof and are trying to get him to go up there. We all just have to keep our fingers crossed.. #mprraccoon
— Paige Donnelly law (@donnelly_law) June 12, 2018
@StPaulFireDept District Chief Alan Gabrielle is taking a look, but says it's likely too risky to put anyone over the side of the building for the #mprraccoon
— Tim Nelson (@timnelson_mpr) June 12, 2018