Es guapo y tiene un cuerpo que deja sin respiración. Nada fuera de lo normal, porque hablamos de un modelo. Pero éste sí que tiene algo muy especial, y es que se ha hecho famoso, especialmente a través de sus fotografías en Instagram, porque tiene 51 años ¡y aparenta poco más de 20! Se llama Chuando […]
#GoodEvening ! #So #HowWasYourDay ? ? Yap just woke up ?, yes phone out of juice #asyoucansee ??? – 20th MAR 18:53
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Soaking up some rays on the Christmas Day ☀️?… #MerryChristmas to all ?✌️?
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Good Evening peeps ✌️ . ?GIVEAWAY BELOW? Today is the end of the #UOBxTristanEaton Celebrity Challenge against my bud Allan @wulander ! . I swear i’ve never sweat so hard in my life !!! Okay, perhaps apart from during our National service days in the Army haha ? . Managed to burn a record total of 29,342 calories this week, just 1913 calories above Allan ! It’s been an epic week competing against Allan, he is one hard nut to crack ! ? And I think I have been pushing myself a little bit too far haha, i lost around 3 kg ! Good thing is that i was able to track all my fitness with the #UOBxTristanEaton ionic Watch. . Take on a fitness challenge yourself or against your friends too: redeem the limited edition #UOBxTristanEaton designer wearables with a min. spend of $7,800 (Fitbit Ionic Watch) or S$3800 (Fitbit Charge 2) on your UOB Cards. Limited wearables available, see for more details. . ?MORE GOOD NEWS !? . I’m giving away a #UOBxTristanEaton Fitbit Ionic to one of you! ????? Just follow me + @iwannayolo + @mendontgetit + and leave a comment with your 2018 FITNESS RESOLUTION ! .*** For residents of Singapore only! . #UOBCardsXmas #sp
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Happy Tuesday y’all✌️??
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“The two hardest tests on the spiritual road are the patience to wait for the right moment and the courage not to be disappointed with what we encounter.” #deepthought ?✌️
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“The roots of all goodness lie in the soil of appreciation for goodness” #thankyou #youknowwhoyouare ?❤️?✌️?
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Guess what ! I’m in Hong Kong ? So the latest news, I will be attending an event on the 24th of Oct, that’s tomorrow, at the Ocean Terminal Main Concourse – Harbour City, at 1:45 PM ? come and catch me, I’d love to see you guys :)) @stancharthk
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#behindthescenes #MensHealth #coming #november #issue ??#ReadAllAboutIt ✌️
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"You cannot change what you refuse to confront" #pumphard #willpower ??
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